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Boob tape for ladies with small breasts

Wearing boob tape can be done with any size breasts, including small breasts. Any tape technique is suitable for the small breasts except the ultimate elevator and support tape technique. If you would like it to look like you have larger breasts, we recommend the strapless or the crossed tape technique. Read below how to apply the different tape techniques to the small breast.

✓ Side boob tape technique

✓ Strapless tape technique

✓ Crossed tape technique

✓ Subtle lift tape technique

Side boob tape technique for small breasts

The side boob tape technique is suitable for women with small breasts who do want an elevator of their breasts. The more strips of tape you stick, the more elevator you create.

Check out the step-by-step guide to applying side boob tape technique on this page.

The strapless tape technique for small breasts

The strapless tape technique is great for ladies with smaller cup sizes. The tighter you stretch the tape, the more your breasts will be pushed together, so the greater the effect will be.

Read the step-by-step guide to applying the strapless tape technique on this page.

The crossed tape technique for smaller breasts

The crossed tape technique is suitable for ladies with smaller breasts who want to create just a little more indentation. Because you cross the tape, you get a deep indentation between your breasts. This makes your breasts appear optically larger.

Check out the step-by-step guide to applying the crossed boob tape technique here.

The subtle lift tape technique for smaller breasts

The subtle lift tape technique is suitable for ladies with small cup sizes. Small breasts usually need less support than large breasts, so that is why this tape technique works well for ladies with smaller cup sizes. With this tape technique you create a natural look with a small lift.

Check out the step-by-step guide for applying the subtle lfit tape technique on this page.

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